Yep, thats pretty much my life. I chuckle at myself thinking back to college and being so naive in thinking I knew what distractions were all about. Skipping class to go hiking? SURE, why not thats a GREAT distraction....Cue to Mommy Scene...Okay let me try to get laundry A out of the dryer, into a basket, and put laundry B into the dryer. Nope someone is insisting on coming in to check on me to see if I'm okay. Wait you need something? Wow what a surprise there. Granted I'm asking for maybe four minutes tops in this scenario, but yes this is a perfect example of my constant distractions.
FlyLady talks about living in Chaos and I have to say she pretty sure knows what she's talking about. I did a FlyLady hotspot challenge the other day. She gives you two minutes to complete the task and I would have to say I only had two minutes without some kid distraction and I completed it. She usually asks to do fifteen minutes a day decluttering, but I no longer know what fifteen minutes uninterrupted looks like.
So you might be reading this and wondering how in the world I'm actually even typing this. Well thats a very good question and its due in part to my mommy internal clock telling me to get up. I do love these moments when everyone else is asleep and I can have a moment to myself. It doesn't happen often since my oldest seems to be a morning person....yep gotta run she is awake and senses me downstairs!
(To be continued)....
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
I've Fallen In Love AGAIN!
Okay so both toddlers are down! I can actually spend a moment blogging. I think after the cancer scare that I needed to refocus and to find what I loved once more. I know this is going to sound crazy, but its the elliptical. Now I don't own one and I have to find precious time to go there, but I've lost seven pounds already. SEVEN! I go when hubby gets off work or when the babysitter is here. Yesterday, I was in a bit of a funk because my 16 month old seems to be having all her teeth come in at once and she has a cold on top of it. As hubby said, its like Ghostbusters with the slime. She slimed the crap out of me too the past few days. I am still nursing her so if you can just understand I felt gross the whole time. Anyway, last night I worked out at the gym and found how good it felt to get a workout in. I had been struggling with fitting in my clothes and I know I'm fat. Can we say that here? I get the whole you should love your body after babies thing, but come on thats just words to me. I needed to get up and move and move I did. So its been a month since I started my quest for looking better and now I'm once again fitting in my clothes. Its a good feeling. I had a girlfriend who thought I was pregnant and so did this nicer older lady and I wasn't offended at all lol. I probably should have been, but it made me more motivated to shed some pounds.
The first time I worked out, I had on my largest clothes and I even resorted at times to wearing hubby's workout clothes because my medium shorts didn't fit me. Actually, I walked in wearing his I think and the guy checking people in had this smirk of you shouldn't even be here. Well he was carrying a few pounds himself and had this Hitler mustache thing going on and it just made me want to lose the weight that much more. I'm here to tell you that kind of behavior motivates me more to change. If you are reading this and need to shed a few pounds then make it count. Don't let their negativity pull you under and you'll see results. Don't hide behind the complacent remarks that you look fine either. I had gotten comfortable and needed to step out of my stay at home mommy routine. I have more energy and I've started to watch Chris and Heidi Powell's show. Have you seen it? They are absolutely amazing and if you aren't inspired by them then I don't know what to tell you. Chris seems as if he is the most genuine guy out there and I would give anything to meet Heidi and him.
So there you have it! I'm on quest now to lose weight AND to find a new jogging stroller. I want to start working out with the kids and I'm torn between a BOB and the Baby Jogger Summit X3. If anyone would like to give me advice on which one to get then I'm all ears. I want to find my love of walking again and rock the new mommy body...
OR????? This sexy beast?
The first time I worked out, I had on my largest clothes and I even resorted at times to wearing hubby's workout clothes because my medium shorts didn't fit me. Actually, I walked in wearing his I think and the guy checking people in had this smirk of you shouldn't even be here. Well he was carrying a few pounds himself and had this Hitler mustache thing going on and it just made me want to lose the weight that much more. I'm here to tell you that kind of behavior motivates me more to change. If you are reading this and need to shed a few pounds then make it count. Don't let their negativity pull you under and you'll see results. Don't hide behind the complacent remarks that you look fine either. I had gotten comfortable and needed to step out of my stay at home mommy routine. I have more energy and I've started to watch Chris and Heidi Powell's show. Have you seen it? They are absolutely amazing and if you aren't inspired by them then I don't know what to tell you. Chris seems as if he is the most genuine guy out there and I would give anything to meet Heidi and him.
So there you have it! I'm on quest now to lose weight AND to find a new jogging stroller. I want to start working out with the kids and I'm torn between a BOB and the Baby Jogger Summit X3. If anyone would like to give me advice on which one to get then I'm all ears. I want to find my love of walking again and rock the new mommy body...
OR????? This sexy beast?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Umm about that singing....
So just when I was singing my tune about not having cancer, the work gods decided to send my hubby for another little training session. That seemed to last forever and I was feeling as if I was in the titanic without anyone here to help. I didn't even have a babysitter at the time to spare me. Ha ha but I did survive with only four hours of sleep a night and made it up till the day before he came home. Yep, lucky me I somehow managed to fight the monkey bars while trying to save my daughter from falling and took a blow to my head. I have tried to make light of me having a concussion, but its been pretty bad at times. I've had memory and word retrieval issues these past couple of weeks. I am just now getting to be where I feel almost normal. If I overdo it then I'm weak and have to rely on hubby to help. I actually ended up having two fainting spells and not being able to drive for a week which just plain sucks. I think when 2014 is done and over with that I'll be happy. I won't go into the woes of Kerri because really who wants to hear every bloody detail. Trust me no one is THAT interesting and I'm definitely not. Witty at times, yes, but 24/7 interesting definitely not....
Monday, June 23, 2014
The Hills Are Alive....
Yes, yes do you know the next line??? Yep, with the sound of music! Think Julie Andrews and not Carrie Underwood though please. I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful word "benign" truly means to me. I have been so busy enjoying small moments with my girls and to be completely thankful I do not have cancer. Now I have to keep getting checked up on the nodule on a regular basis unless I feel its become larger then I need to go in before then. However, after the doctor told me the news, I cried. I had been so worried and wondered what life would be like if I wasn't here for the girls. No one should have to go through that and it actually makes me a bit misty eyed that this small ordeal can conjure up those emotions again. I tried to settle my affairs just in case and some little things like my daughter's christmas stocking I started to try to complete. Little things that you procrastinate because you think you have all this time in the world, but in fact you really don't. By the way, I found someone who can finish her stocking and I just need to pick out a color for it and life should be good. I have it hanging up so I can send it out next week so I won't forget. Hey, its almost Christmas in July isn't it?!?
Anyway, I have been so busy because hubby is back to coming and going again. My day when he isn't home in the evening is about a good 14 hours and sometimes it pushes into 16 hours. When I get five hours of uninterrupted sleep, I'm on top of the world. Isn't that just sad lol? I have a girlfriend in Texas and she was astonished I was already up and moving and I admitted to her I got more than my usual 3-4 hours. Those days when I get so little of sleep are the days I'm dragging. I pray my kids go down for quiet time at the same time and of course when I desperately want them to they seem to sense my weakness and like little barracudas pounce on me. Yes, yes I do love my tiny overlords, but dang they keep me busy. Anyway, this is just a quick update. Please know I have not forgotten my blog. I don't know how other mommy bloggers find the time. Although my new zest on life, I did join twitter. I tweet mostly about mommy things of course!!! Just don't ask me to explain hashtags yet #####!
Anyway, I have been so busy because hubby is back to coming and going again. My day when he isn't home in the evening is about a good 14 hours and sometimes it pushes into 16 hours. When I get five hours of uninterrupted sleep, I'm on top of the world. Isn't that just sad lol? I have a girlfriend in Texas and she was astonished I was already up and moving and I admitted to her I got more than my usual 3-4 hours. Those days when I get so little of sleep are the days I'm dragging. I pray my kids go down for quiet time at the same time and of course when I desperately want them to they seem to sense my weakness and like little barracudas pounce on me. Yes, yes I do love my tiny overlords, but dang they keep me busy. Anyway, this is just a quick update. Please know I have not forgotten my blog. I don't know how other mommy bloggers find the time. Although my new zest on life, I did join twitter. I tweet mostly about mommy things of course!!! Just don't ask me to explain hashtags yet #####!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Ostrich Moments
So our brand new water heater had a leak in the drain pan and it was pouring water out. This soaked the carpet in the other room and we had restoration guys come out once again. Since my computer is in that room and I can't go in, I've stolen my hubby's computer for the moment to write a quick update. Hubby says soon I'll have my computer room back. I admit I haven't wanted to blog much lately. All I can think about has been my results of the biopsy that I just got done. It wasn't exactly pain free and I'm glad I didn't read too many Fine Needle Aspiration stories before going in. I read them afterwards. Some of them were downright scary and if you need one done then I would suggest staying away from the internet. Hubby had to watch the kids so I went alone to the appointment. There are times as a parent, you want someone to hold your hand. It doesn't happen very often, but I wish he had been there, bad jokes and all. During it, the one nurse touched my shoulder in a comforting manner and it is exactly what I needed. I needed to know someone cared and knew that I struggled as I laid there while they inserted needle after needle into me. I have had crazy thoughts of well maybe that nodule will just pop and disappear like a bad zit when they do the procedure. However, reality sits in and I must stop being the ostrich with its head in the sand. So I wait and wait some more. I try to spend my time with the kids and keep myself busy till I know.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Bumblebee Moments
Has it really been a month since my last post? I'm not even sure where to begin anymore. My life has been thrown for a complete 180. I once read a fortune cookie that said to never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. Well I think I'm in trouble and I'm not sure how to go about it. As you know I was expecting to get a clean bill of health on tests and right now I'm scheduled to do further testing. I once had a boss who told me that the reason he hired me was because I wasn't afraid of anything. I told him I think I'm afraid of everything. I was young then and grew into my own as an adult and didn't have much to worry about. I had a great journey and often times very painful, but I pulled through. Now I'm faced with something to really worry about. It has kept me up at night and my nights are filled with taking care of the baby and just thinking about the future. People will tell me it will be okay, but how do they know for sure?
We had our water heater go out a couple of weeks ago. Now I could have been extremely upset about the whole thing and trust me doing a rendition of Flashdance in the shower is definitely not as sexy as it seems. However, I was able to take my mind off of the medical appointments for just a tiny fraction and that made it bearable for me. Now there is not this huge distraction and I honestly can't wait for the upcoming appointments. The pot that never boils quote really holds true here. I have to wait till insurance figures out their part and that has taken an entire week. Throughout it all though, I'm still a mommy and I have mommy duties. I love my girls and they mean the world to me. In martial arts, we always talked about living in the moment and I've had some great moments. A couple of days ago, I showed my toddler this beautiful flying bumble bee which was enjoying the nectar of the flowers and it was such a great moment. Another awesome thrilling moment was when my one year old discovered my belly button. Best entertainment I think I've had in awhile.
Thank you for hanging in there with me and understanding why I don't always post. If this is your first blog post read then I would suggest starting at the beginning. I had WAY more entertaining things back in the day. I'm hoping to get good news in the next few weeks and thats all I can do is hope for the best. Hope everything is okay and I get to see more bumble bees in the future.
We had our water heater go out a couple of weeks ago. Now I could have been extremely upset about the whole thing and trust me doing a rendition of Flashdance in the shower is definitely not as sexy as it seems. However, I was able to take my mind off of the medical appointments for just a tiny fraction and that made it bearable for me. Now there is not this huge distraction and I honestly can't wait for the upcoming appointments. The pot that never boils quote really holds true here. I have to wait till insurance figures out their part and that has taken an entire week. Throughout it all though, I'm still a mommy and I have mommy duties. I love my girls and they mean the world to me. In martial arts, we always talked about living in the moment and I've had some great moments. A couple of days ago, I showed my toddler this beautiful flying bumble bee which was enjoying the nectar of the flowers and it was such a great moment. Another awesome thrilling moment was when my one year old discovered my belly button. Best entertainment I think I've had in awhile.
Thank you for hanging in there with me and understanding why I don't always post. If this is your first blog post read then I would suggest starting at the beginning. I had WAY more entertaining things back in the day. I'm hoping to get good news in the next few weeks and thats all I can do is hope for the best. Hope everything is okay and I get to see more bumble bees in the future.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Facing the Facts
So you are probably thinking this chic never posts anymore. Yep, I kind of agree with you. I've got my hands full being a Mom and I love being a Mom, but no one ever raises their hand and chooses to do it alone for the majority of the time. Well I'd been sick again and both girls were too. My toddler had her first ear infection which isn't too shabby since I know many little ones struggle with reoccurring ear infections often. Yes, RSV is nothing to sneeze at either. Right now I'm in the middle of trying to wash everything they came into contact and if they wore it once then it goes right into the laundry. During this RSV fiasco, I had my own doc appointments. Well I learned a valuable lesson. No one EVER wants to hear the C word when you are sitting in a doctor's office. I promise I'll explain more later when I get all the tests done. However, you do sit back and start thinking about things and since it runs in my family, I just have to wait till they give me that piece of paper saying I'm fine in order for me to be completely satisfied. Anyway, that about sums up the past two weeks. So if you are reading this then yes I had my hands full.
In other news, my daughter started speech therapy sessions and I am so excited about that. Its a hard thing to admit your toddler needs help in that category. I hear other toddlers just yap away and it makes me feel pretty much a failure when I'm around other kids. I do have a girlfriend who was pregnant the same time as I was and she has a similar struggle with her little boy. I made the joke with her that maybe they communicated via womb teleconferencing they would be a handful when it comes to speech. Okay, in all seriousness, it is a struggle for me to not hear my daughter say Mommy. She can say Daddy just fine, but I get mostly cries and whines when she wants something from me. I wish you knew just how much it tears me up inside to even admit all of this. However, this is my blog about mommy truth and if you have ever watched Stewie say Mommy a billion times and run away then honestly that is what I secretly crave. It's hard to face the facts and the speech therapist did say it had nothing to do with me, but sometimes it can't be helped. I think as parents we beat ourselves up over things and this is my struggle. If you are reading this and your child is not performing at the level they should then you are not alone. The assistance that my girlfriend and I are receiving is on a state level and we both have the same program even though we are in different states. It is called Infants and Toddlers and I encourage you to not wait if you suspect your child is not yapping clearly enough.
In other news, my daughter started speech therapy sessions and I am so excited about that. Its a hard thing to admit your toddler needs help in that category. I hear other toddlers just yap away and it makes me feel pretty much a failure when I'm around other kids. I do have a girlfriend who was pregnant the same time as I was and she has a similar struggle with her little boy. I made the joke with her that maybe they communicated via womb teleconferencing they would be a handful when it comes to speech. Okay, in all seriousness, it is a struggle for me to not hear my daughter say Mommy. She can say Daddy just fine, but I get mostly cries and whines when she wants something from me. I wish you knew just how much it tears me up inside to even admit all of this. However, this is my blog about mommy truth and if you have ever watched Stewie say Mommy a billion times and run away then honestly that is what I secretly crave. It's hard to face the facts and the speech therapist did say it had nothing to do with me, but sometimes it can't be helped. I think as parents we beat ourselves up over things and this is my struggle. If you are reading this and your child is not performing at the level they should then you are not alone. The assistance that my girlfriend and I are receiving is on a state level and we both have the same program even though we are in different states. It is called Infants and Toddlers and I encourage you to not wait if you suspect your child is not yapping clearly enough.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Do you believe in pennies sent from up above? I think I do now. I know my last post was not very forthcoming, but I think I had to process it first before I wrote about it further. A week after I wrote my post, my cousin lost his eight year battle with cancer. In one week, he was gone and I never got to tell him goodbye or what he meant to me. The next night as I took the girls swimming, I was a bit all over the place and couldn't concentrate. It was apparent to me when I couldn't even multiply four times eight and yes, I do feel a bit silly now for that error. However, I still wanted to keep my routine for the girls and so I took them. In the locker room, I had been by this bench several times especially when I was getting the girls dressed after swimming. I bent down to try to maneuver my little girl into her outfit and there was this penny. Something prompted me to look at the date as I picked it up and put it into my pocket. I walked out with my girls in tow about two minutes after that. Later that night, I asked his sister if that year was significant to her brother and she told me it was the year he graduated high school. It completely took me off guard and yet it comforted me at the same time. What are the possibilities and the likelihood that I would find a penny with that specific year?
So maybe I got to say goodbye after all. If I could have written to him before he passed away, I would have told him I had always looked up to him. He was someone who never belittled me or made me feel like I was just this pesky little kid. He was funny, smart, and of course handsome and thats the way I'm going to remember him. When my girls meet that someone special, I hope its someone like my cousin. He was THAT nice and I really wish cancer had not taken him away from his family. I am truly a blip in all the people who knew and loved him, but I was lucky to have known him. I was lucky to find that penny too. It means a lot to me now and I have kept it. I'm not sure what I'll do with it just yet, but I think in time I will…
So maybe I got to say goodbye after all. If I could have written to him before he passed away, I would have told him I had always looked up to him. He was someone who never belittled me or made me feel like I was just this pesky little kid. He was funny, smart, and of course handsome and thats the way I'm going to remember him. When my girls meet that someone special, I hope its someone like my cousin. He was THAT nice and I really wish cancer had not taken him away from his family. I am truly a blip in all the people who knew and loved him, but I was lucky to have known him. I was lucky to find that penny too. It means a lot to me now and I have kept it. I'm not sure what I'll do with it just yet, but I think in time I will…
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Today & Tomorrow
Today I received some rather sad news and it's been on my mind for the better part of the day. I'm not sure how to process it right now. I watched my children play at my feet and knew they had no idea the turmoil I was involved in. I know this is rather short and it's not suppose to be very witty because honestly there are going to be days that just are sad. There will be happier times, but if I didn't write it then you would only have this rose colored picture what my life is like. I do hope this finds you well and as you peek upon your children, do yourself a favor and savor those moments of innocence. Be happy that you are there to protect your loved ones and make an effort to do something nice for them tomorrow. Give them a hug or take a break from your computer and go for a walk with them. I'll let you decide, but whatever it is I hope they remember that moment with you.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
How Do You Rate?
Have you ever seen an abandoned dirty diaper on the side of the road? Do you wonder what kind of parent would just leave their child's waste behind like that? Today I was in the park playing with my girls and we walked by the picnic tables and right there laid a diaper. I have to admit its pretty disgusting to just see trash lying around in a park where your children play, but its an even worse offense when you see a dirty diaper. Now granted I didn't see any waste receptacles in the area and if I had spent maybe two hours, I could have cleaned up the litter leading into the park too. The sonic ice cream cups, the empty beer cans, and plastic waste. I watch Survivorman and in almost every episode he seems to find some kind of leftover human rubbage. I highly doubt though he would have used the diaper. Maybe I should email Les and see if he would have done something with it. Would he even dare touch it?
In all fairness, I admit I'm kind of tired of being part of the Waste Management Team. I've been a horrible cloth diapering mama and you can be critical all you want, but trust me this upheaval in our lives has not been easy. I still use biodegradable diapers and when they make a mess, I'll do the right thing by disposing it into the toilet. So in five hundred years when they search landfills for clues to our human existence, I know that my child's DNA should be long gone. Seriously, we should chat about my thoughts on being put into a coffin and rotting…okay that was definitely a joke since we all know how long it takes a body to decompose these days once they pump formaldehyde into our corpses. I remember a story about how they pulled a body from a grave to solve a case from fifty years ago and the body was in mint condition. MINT CONDITION. Think about that when you start your burial plans and yes we all go at some point in our lives.
Anyway, back to that dirty diaper on the ground and how those parents would have been given a D minus in Waste Management. They did fold up the diaper so its not an F per say. However, I feel sorry for the child who sees their parent just leave trash and not do the responsible thing. How hard is it to take it home or toss at the nearest gas station? We are ultimately teaching our kids its okay to leave a mess and our trash behind. Once out of sight, out of mind, right? Well tell that to the park guy or to the person who comes across that dirty diaper and thinks "REALLY?!? What kind of parent does this?"
In all fairness, I admit I'm kind of tired of being part of the Waste Management Team. I've been a horrible cloth diapering mama and you can be critical all you want, but trust me this upheaval in our lives has not been easy. I still use biodegradable diapers and when they make a mess, I'll do the right thing by disposing it into the toilet. So in five hundred years when they search landfills for clues to our human existence, I know that my child's DNA should be long gone. Seriously, we should chat about my thoughts on being put into a coffin and rotting…okay that was definitely a joke since we all know how long it takes a body to decompose these days once they pump formaldehyde into our corpses. I remember a story about how they pulled a body from a grave to solve a case from fifty years ago and the body was in mint condition. MINT CONDITION. Think about that when you start your burial plans and yes we all go at some point in our lives.
Anyway, back to that dirty diaper on the ground and how those parents would have been given a D minus in Waste Management. They did fold up the diaper so its not an F per say. However, I feel sorry for the child who sees their parent just leave trash and not do the responsible thing. How hard is it to take it home or toss at the nearest gas station? We are ultimately teaching our kids its okay to leave a mess and our trash behind. Once out of sight, out of mind, right? Well tell that to the park guy or to the person who comes across that dirty diaper and thinks "REALLY?!? What kind of parent does this?"
Friday, February 7, 2014
My Nostradamus
Many individuals know of Nostradamus and if you don't then you need to start reading a little more than just my blog. He is associated with predictions and that is what most people think of when his name pops up. However, did you know he was a plague doctor? During the time, I was past 40 weeks with my now toddler and I was desperate to have that baby. I researched EVERYTHING and I came across rose hips as a way to help the body go into labor. The rose hips did not help me and I finally had my little girl at 42.4 weeks. Well during my research, I came across Nostradamus as using rose hips during the plague. He was lancing the boils and helping the victims overcome this wretched disease with the use of rose hips. Sadly, he lost his family while he was away trying to save others and they say he lost credibility for not being able to save his own family. It is actually a really interesting read if you want to delve into it sometime. Honestly, I haven't paid much heed to his predictions so I am rather out of touch of what has come true and what hasn't.
Well my husband was away for work and both girls and I came down with the flu. It was pretty miserable. I was dealing with a baby throwing up all over and that one morning, I woke up throwing up myself into a small hand towel and not being very successful in missing the carpet. It was an absolute nightmare for me. I felt so bad that the one day all I could do was give my toddler crackers for lunch. I felt like the worse parent on the planet since I couldn't even get off of the couch. Luckily, I only gave her crackers since she had horrible diarrhea when I did give her real food that evening. That was definitely an eye opener. Anyway, I Skyped with my parents and I asked my mom to come. I was pretty desperate for any help whatsoever and I would have understood if she had said no, but she didn't. I felt as if I was the luckiest daughter ever to have a mom willing to travel a few hundred miles just to come help.
My mom showed up and we quickly started to sanitize everything in the house and to work on the piles of laundry. I had not eaten or drank much in about two days because I just could not stomach it and I didn't have the time to sit in the bathroom tending to myself when I had two babies who were sick too. Although I am surprised at how energetic sick kids can be. The moment when I almost fell over because I was so weak and my mom caught me sticks in my head. She was there for me and I thought to myself that I hope someday I am willing to go into the lion's den to help my children. My mom knew what she was getting into when she came, but it did not stop me from feeling guilty when she came down with it too. It is a bit amusing that out of it all, my mom told me she did enjoy her visit with her grandkids. I guess I never expected that to be the tone of her visit, but they truly enjoyed seeing my mom again. My little girl actually came running into the living room looking for her Grandma and when she couldn't find her, came back, and gave me this confused look. It was a bit heartbreaking to tell her that Grandma had to go back home.
So my mom was my Nostradamus last week. She didn't come bearing rose hips with her, but she did come prepared to help us get out of our misery and to make our lives organized once again. I hope I'm never that ill ever again and I think the last time I recall being so sick was when I was in high school. Yep, those moments kind of stay with you and I hope I can look back at this time knowing I had the best mom I could have ever asked for. It is a wicked flu season and I know people across the country who have come down with it. There are the lucky few who seem to be immune to it. My one girlfriend who got thrown up on by my daughter didn't get it nor did her children. I've had friends here get it without even seeing me so I know its making its way across the USA. Just be prepared if you do succumb to it and if you lose a few pounds like I did then be happy about one small positive outcome of it. However, I definitely wouldn't recommend it as your weight loss regime though. Not one single bit….
Well my husband was away for work and both girls and I came down with the flu. It was pretty miserable. I was dealing with a baby throwing up all over and that one morning, I woke up throwing up myself into a small hand towel and not being very successful in missing the carpet. It was an absolute nightmare for me. I felt so bad that the one day all I could do was give my toddler crackers for lunch. I felt like the worse parent on the planet since I couldn't even get off of the couch. Luckily, I only gave her crackers since she had horrible diarrhea when I did give her real food that evening. That was definitely an eye opener. Anyway, I Skyped with my parents and I asked my mom to come. I was pretty desperate for any help whatsoever and I would have understood if she had said no, but she didn't. I felt as if I was the luckiest daughter ever to have a mom willing to travel a few hundred miles just to come help.
My mom showed up and we quickly started to sanitize everything in the house and to work on the piles of laundry. I had not eaten or drank much in about two days because I just could not stomach it and I didn't have the time to sit in the bathroom tending to myself when I had two babies who were sick too. Although I am surprised at how energetic sick kids can be. The moment when I almost fell over because I was so weak and my mom caught me sticks in my head. She was there for me and I thought to myself that I hope someday I am willing to go into the lion's den to help my children. My mom knew what she was getting into when she came, but it did not stop me from feeling guilty when she came down with it too. It is a bit amusing that out of it all, my mom told me she did enjoy her visit with her grandkids. I guess I never expected that to be the tone of her visit, but they truly enjoyed seeing my mom again. My little girl actually came running into the living room looking for her Grandma and when she couldn't find her, came back, and gave me this confused look. It was a bit heartbreaking to tell her that Grandma had to go back home.
So my mom was my Nostradamus last week. She didn't come bearing rose hips with her, but she did come prepared to help us get out of our misery and to make our lives organized once again. I hope I'm never that ill ever again and I think the last time I recall being so sick was when I was in high school. Yep, those moments kind of stay with you and I hope I can look back at this time knowing I had the best mom I could have ever asked for. It is a wicked flu season and I know people across the country who have come down with it. There are the lucky few who seem to be immune to it. My one girlfriend who got thrown up on by my daughter didn't get it nor did her children. I've had friends here get it without even seeing me so I know its making its way across the USA. Just be prepared if you do succumb to it and if you lose a few pounds like I did then be happy about one small positive outcome of it. However, I definitely wouldn't recommend it as your weight loss regime though. Not one single bit….
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
What's Your Focus?
So where have I been??? Ha I can't even tell you the level of insanity that has occurred since we moved in August then again right before Christmas. If you need a one through ten kind of guess then try fifteen! I have missed blogging though. It is my outlet, but my kids come first and so I walk away. I believe as a parent you need to set down the computer tablet and focus on parenting. I used to do martial arts and the grandmaster was discussing how to focus on just one task. If you are watering your plants then you are not trying to talk on the phone at the same time. Live in the moment was the lesson for the day. I know we don't do this enough. My tiny overlords keep me so busy that I don't do this enough. I'm just trying to survive so the house doesn't go up in flames.
The next time you sit in your car at a stoplight, pay attention to the people around you. You will notice they are not focused at all on the road. It is rather scary since you will see how distracted as individuals we have become. Is parenting the reason behind our lack of focus? Toddler needs this and the baby wants to be held and to manage it all takes skill which I'm afraid I don't always have. Hubby wants attention too, but I'm so touched out especially since I nurse the baby that I would just rather hide in a closet. Honestly, that is my focus and sadly I look to find opportunities to just be alone.
I know if I sit in the car for an extra five minutes while the kids are asleep that I might get a few more precious moments right then for some me time, but at the same time sacrificing later in the day. If my toddler gets a nap late in the afternoon, it is an absolute fight for me to get her to go to bed at a decent time. She is in that transition of not having a nap at all and when she does take a nap it is pure heaven for me. I get to focus on spending quality time with the baby or having a moment to cook lunch without a toddler being underfoot.
So what do you focus on as a parent? Do you know right away what is sacred to you? Its funny to me all the things I used to enjoy five years ago, is pretty much irrelevant to my life now. I used to enjoy retail therapy and now if I have a clean shirt right before I walk out the door, I'm doing a good job for the day. My direction has changed and that's okay. I just have to live with the guilt as I look at my poor dead plant to know its my children who keep me from watering it. Yes, I admit I'm a plant killer...
The next time you sit in your car at a stoplight, pay attention to the people around you. You will notice they are not focused at all on the road. It is rather scary since you will see how distracted as individuals we have become. Is parenting the reason behind our lack of focus? Toddler needs this and the baby wants to be held and to manage it all takes skill which I'm afraid I don't always have. Hubby wants attention too, but I'm so touched out especially since I nurse the baby that I would just rather hide in a closet. Honestly, that is my focus and sadly I look to find opportunities to just be alone.
I know if I sit in the car for an extra five minutes while the kids are asleep that I might get a few more precious moments right then for some me time, but at the same time sacrificing later in the day. If my toddler gets a nap late in the afternoon, it is an absolute fight for me to get her to go to bed at a decent time. She is in that transition of not having a nap at all and when she does take a nap it is pure heaven for me. I get to focus on spending quality time with the baby or having a moment to cook lunch without a toddler being underfoot.
So what do you focus on as a parent? Do you know right away what is sacred to you? Its funny to me all the things I used to enjoy five years ago, is pretty much irrelevant to my life now. I used to enjoy retail therapy and now if I have a clean shirt right before I walk out the door, I'm doing a good job for the day. My direction has changed and that's okay. I just have to live with the guilt as I look at my poor dead plant to know its my children who keep me from watering it. Yes, I admit I'm a plant killer...
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