Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tip of the Week

As a mommy, my car looks like a mini-bomb went off in it.  I admit I give my daughter her favorite mango snacks while we are in the car and so I'll find those mango bags in the car of course usually empty.  Well I have started to realize I miss my cleaner looking car so in a quick inspiration, I decided I would get rid of the trash every time I filled up my car.  Now I do I have the recyclables and I just put those together and when I get home, I put those in the recycle bin.  All the other items though end up in the trash before I get home.  If I have time, I take inventory how many diapers I have and try to reorganize her little go bag in the car.  I am not suggesting spending a lot of time on cleaning out your car, but 2-3 minutes each time does add up and should help with your sanity.  As for getting the carpets vacuumed, the last time I went for an oil change they did that for me.  They didn't get every nook or cranny, but it definitely looks a lot better than it did before.  So take two minutes while you are pumping gas, grab the trash and toss it.

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