Yes, yes do you know the next line??? Yep, with the sound of music! Think Julie Andrews and not Carrie Underwood though please. I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful word "benign" truly means to me. I have been so busy enjoying small moments with my girls and to be completely thankful I do not have cancer. Now I have to keep getting checked up on the nodule on a regular basis unless I feel its become larger then I need to go in before then. However, after the doctor told me the news, I cried. I had been so worried and wondered what life would be like if I wasn't here for the girls. No one should have to go through that and it actually makes me a bit misty eyed that this small ordeal can conjure up those emotions again. I tried to settle my affairs just in case and some little things like my daughter's christmas stocking I started to try to complete. Little things that you procrastinate because you think you have all this time in the world, but in fact you really don't. By the way, I found someone who can finish her stocking and I just need to pick out a color for it and life should be good. I have it hanging up so I can send it out next week so I won't forget. Hey, its almost Christmas in July isn't it?!?
Anyway, I have been so busy because hubby is back to coming and going again. My day when he isn't home in the evening is about a good 14 hours and sometimes it pushes into 16 hours. When I get five hours of uninterrupted sleep, I'm on top of the world. Isn't that just sad lol? I have a girlfriend in Texas and she was astonished I was already up and moving and I admitted to her I got more than my usual 3-4 hours. Those days when I get so little of sleep are the days I'm dragging. I pray my kids go down for quiet time at the same time and of course when I desperately want them to they seem to sense my weakness and like little barracudas pounce on me. Yes, yes I do love my tiny overlords, but dang they keep me busy. Anyway, this is just a quick update. Please know I have not forgotten my blog. I don't know how other mommy bloggers find the time. Although my new zest on life, I did join twitter. I tweet mostly about mommy things of course!!! Just don't ask me to explain hashtags yet #####!