I know some places charge $20 per every two tapes and I think that is a scam. If you have a bit of geekism then invest in doing it yourself. Its probably what we will do after this move. I do plan to take them with me on the first journey and to make sure they get done. The cassettes were easy and we found a device on amazon to help get the recordings off of them. I wish I had known about it a month ago or else I think we would have been doing this, but we just came across the box I had completely forgotten about it. Hey, at least I am selling my old stereo for $30 which of course takes up a huge cargo container. I seriously don't need to keep something like that and technology has advanced to the point I will most likely never use it again. Yep, purge now before you think wow why did I keep this! Top that with now you have kids and space is a much coveted thing especially when you have two!!!
So those bottles of wine I have probably should go to good use while I'm packing! Maybe if I convince everyone to stop by I can have a packing party!!! Of course this probably won't happen, but its a nice dream for me. :)